Making a product is a straightforward task. But making an awesome product?

If you ask a user what they need, they can’t put their finger on exactly what they need. But they have a vague idea, some thoughts, and some needs that they can point to. Users don’t have an idea about what technology can do for them, and what it can’t (as of now).

It is an exploration. You try to understand their needs and try to put yourself in their shoes. Get a picture of the intricacies and the subtleties involved. If you are able to perceive it and use your imagination to come up with innovative solutions, then if you ask the user: “What if the product worked like this?”. The reaction is excitement and happiness at the possibility “Oh wow! could that be possible?”.

The feeling of being a wizard with all the power of technology and the satisfaction of bringing a smile to so many users. The experience would be priceless.

And here starts the journey. When you have interviewed hundreds of such users, then certain patterns start to emerge. It becomes clear what would the new creation be like.

There are some products whose creators can perceive a user’s needs better than the users themselves can realize. Steve Jobs was one such creator who created history by making several awesome products that changed their respective industries forever. As per him:-

“The design has to be innovative, elegant, and simple. Accepting any flaws is out of the question. Every detail has to be perfect and beautiful both on the outside where the user can see as well as the inside where only the engineers and designers can see.”

I call it the philosophy of awesomeness.

When a user uses one of these products, they realize that they can’t do without it. Then they wonder, how they had lived without such a product so far. These products are simply awesome. They become a part of your life and you can’t do without them anymore.

We at “Jaguar Software India” are fascinated and motivated by such awesome products. So 2 years back we ventured upon a journey to create such an awesome product, following the philosophy of awesomeness mentioned earlier. And now we have the basic product ready. But a software product is never finished. It is a continuous process to add features and make the product more and more awesome.

This product is a Loan Management Software System for NBFCs. Awesomeness is in it’s DNA. The name of this product is Jaguar 360 Cloud. Click the link to find out about it.